Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Finding Jesus with Bob Goff

I  seem to always write better when I'm in a peaceful place, surrounded by something that I love. In this case, I am sitting in the center of the Barnes and Noble CafĂ©. I am surrounded by so many books, all screaming at me to explore their pages. I have always loved book stores because I am a dreamer. I love to write stories of things that might never happen in a million years. I love to write poems that express my brokenness, and I love to blog so I can be real with people.

In all realness, I don't have any long-term goals. Sure, it would be nice to get married one day and have a stable job- but I'm really going to go where God calls me. The minute we make concrete plans, God comes at them with a jackhammer. Being in a bookstore helps me to focus on my dreams though (much different than my goals). My ultimate dream is to be an author. Now, maybe this is a far-fetched dream and I know that many people before me have tried. However, It's mine. I want to write, but more importantly, I want to write something that matters. I want to reach the heart of that one person who feels completely lost in the world and touch them. I hope to do that through teaching, but I'd love to do that through writing.

One of my favorite authors currently is Bob Goff. He combines the things that I love: Jesus, storytelling, and realness. I'm currently reading one of his novels, Everybody Always. I love the way that Bob uses simple stories to shine the light of Jesus through them. I think we can all find a large dosage of Jesus in the simple things if we just look a little deeper (although it should be obvious ideally).

Even though my life is in this weird state of chaos and serenity simultaneously (so yes, my life is an oxymoron), I will strive to (a) produce more content worth reading and (b) find Jesus in the little with my dear friend Bob Goff.

Emma Jane

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

April 9th

76% of the time, I have no idea what I'm going to write about on here. Usually, it is a compilation of my random thoughts and then I land somewhere wise. However, I don't know if that's going to happen with this post. Maybe I'll start about what's currently happening in my life and what Jesus has been teaching me through it.

1. School is almost over

2. I am not on speaking terms with my roommate

3. My puppy keeps pooping on my floor.

It's not much, but at the same time, my heart is constantly in a war zone. Especially with the whole "I'm not on speaking terms with my roommate". Sunday during worship, I hard SO CLEARLY God saying that Satan has NO hold on my heart. And it's true. God made my heart. God holds my heart. It's His breath in my lungs so I will POUR out my unfiltered praise. When you're pouring out praise, you have no room to pour out anger, hate, or pettiness. I've accepted that the relationship between us is gone, but I refuse to be bitter, anxious and worried constantly.

2019 has been nothing but an uphill battle. But I will pour out praise and radiate joy.

Emma Jane

Current Jam: Pursue/All I Need Is You Meadly by Hillsong Worship

Now until forever
Jesus, I surrender
Show me what I don't know
More of You
I'm desperate for Your presence
Longing to be with You
Lead me to a new place
More of You