Monday, October 31, 2016

Orange juice and haircuts

I'm not sure if its the orange juice, or the adrenaline that's enabling me to write in this state of exhaustion. However, I thought I would talk about today a little bit. Today I was blessed with another opportunity to serve the homeless people in our semi-local community. A few stories today really touched my heart.

As I stood behind a table, categorized as "ladies shirts", folding the mountain of clothes in front of me, a woman came up to me and she was wearing a knit hat for the winter time. It was a soft shade of purple, and I exclaimed that I had loved her hat. I saw her smile get wider than it already was and so she took off her hat and showed me her hair as well. She told me her story and showed off her new haircut, extremely proud of it. Honestly, she was a delight to be around. I think there's people out there who are terrified to come serve the homeless, but fail to realize that they're people that Jesus died for-just like us. Most of them smile, just to see you around.

Also, something struck me. Another woman was at the tables today looking for a pair of pants. Lots of people come to look for clothes that fit them, however, do you know what I heard on repeat today? "I'm trying to find another pair of pants because the ones I'm wearing are all I own" Can you even imagine only having one pair of pants to wear? I'm one of those people who own several pairs of jeans, yet still complain about having nothing to wear that day.

Lastly, I realized that we all have life fairly easy. Today, another woman was looking for long sleeved shirts. That seems pretty normal, because who doesn't love a good long-sleeved shirt, right? However, she informed me that it gets cold underneath the bridge where she sleeps. Ya'll. How many of us have a bed to sleep in every night? How many simple pleasures do we take for granted? Today, a woman needed feminine hygiene products. We weren't able to supply any, and that broke my heart as well. I just believe that God has always provided for us, and will continue to provide to our brothers and sisters in Christ who aren't as fortunate as us.

And, you may ask "well, what's this all doing to your heart?"  Today I have a decent answer.

Each month, we pray in and pray out of our time there. Usually the pray in is filled with my mental list of things that still need to get done before we open for business. The pray out is when my brain and heart slip out of "efficiency mode" and into "sentimental mode". I realized that I definitely want to expand this ministry through supplies to bring, and especially people. I don't think anyone really knows what these days ential until they experience them. I have so many friends who don't love Jesus, but maybe for a few hours, they could see Him at work. These people that come every single month aren't there for the pleasurable feeling or because it's easy; they're their to serve Jesus through serving others.  I'm honored to be included in such a wonderful ministry that does nothing but care for others. I felt a little lost in my purpose for this year, but by doing this- things have started to clarify. God's obviously holding up a sign that says "THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU" and I sure am glad He is. Sometimes we need a good reality check. And sometimes we need to give up our afternoons to get the message all soaked in, and to show Jesus to others through our actions.

Photo Creds

have a blessed day

Emma Jane

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Growing Pains and Bad Gardening

This year I have done a lot of growing. I'm not talking about my height, because that has yet to change since the 8th grade. I'm talking about my sooouulllll. (Please say that in a long, drawn-out accent)

With this soul growing, almost as if planting a seed, it was not easy. But you might say, "isn't it easy to grow things?" Well, young readers, I grew like my mom tries to grow plants- slowly, painfully, and sometimes by wilting over and falling to my doom. (My dad is the real gardener in the family).

My seed was planted in my heart at Camp Lone Star, and the flower has only slowly started to grow from there. (However, I'm figuring out that I'm a rose. There are still plenty of thorns on my slowly growing flower.)

In order to nourish this seed that was planted, I had to make a lot of difficult decisions. And let me tell you what, (insert hand on hip) I did not want to follow through with any of the conclusions that were brought to me. Every single thing that I needed to do in order to grow and take care of myself was absolutely worse than ripping off a band-aid. It might as well been like ripping off a layer of skin. However, for my flower to even blossom, I knew I needed to push past everything holding me back from a relationship with my God. Also, ya girl needed to learn what self-loving really was. So often I depended on someone else to be my water and sunlight, that I forgot how to provide these things myself and ultimately through my God.

Non-believers might say, "but Emma, why cut someone out or get rid of the things that stood in the way of this 'God' " Well, if you're not gonna be loving my Jesus with me, just realize that self love is important too and self-validation is as well. (Jesus gives us all the power to love ourselves because we're loved by him.)

To elaborate, I think self-validation is being able to feel comfortable in your own skin and truly believe that you're important. I know that I'm important because my God died for me on a cross, and loves me even though I can't stop screwing up. I realize that I was created to be beautiful and loved by my Maker. And you should too! Ladies, you were created to be lovely. You were created to be protected and loved. Don't you ever let anyone deter your relationship with Christ, or diminish your self-worth. I depend on Christ for all my worth, but a big part of me has to believe in myself with a confidence given to me by Christ.

So yes, I grew this summer. I realized what an impact Christ truly has in my life, but I also discovered my self worth. I've come to the overwhelming conclusion that I'm tired. I'm tired of letting myself be disrespected as a woman, and be disrespected as a Child of God. I'm realizing my importance as both of those things daily, and that's the rose that's starting to bloom. My sooouuullll is being nourished because Christ is the one who planted the seed in the very dirt of Camp Lone Star.

If you read all the way to the end, thank you so much :)

Please have a wonderful day and realize that you're very important as a human

James 1:12

Emma Jane