Sunday, February 26, 2017

5 Things I Wish I Knew My Freshman Year of High School

1. Your grades are actually important 

Freshman year is cool because you're not in junior high anymore, but freshman year is when everything starts to matter. Especially your grades. This is the year that a transcript is introduced, which is a scary thing. That's the little piece of paper that colleges and scholarship boards will be reviewing all during your senior year. So basically, don't slack off too much because you think that they "don't matter".

2. Make sure to have fun 

There will be a time in your high school career when you don't have that much time to have fun or to go out and do things. Junior and Senior year will hit you in the face with responsibility, so make sure to enjoy freshman year. Try new things. Talk to new people! Worry about grades, but not so much That you're up at 1am crying over them. Yes, your grades are important. but they don't control you.  

3. Eat that cookie

You're a freshman. There's no reason to count calories. Enjoy high school, because one day you'll be near the end with regrets and the constant thoughts of everything you didn't do.

4. Your counselor is your bff

I really really wish I knew this freshman year. The counselors are hired to help you, I promise. Find their email, memorize that, and don't be afraid to use it in order to ask them questions. They've probably heard your question before and probably have plenty of answers. My counselor is probably one of the biggest blessings. I ask her plenty of questions, and she usually emails me back within a few hours. However, if you aren't that lucky, don't be afraid to go into their office and ask whatever you need to in person. They're especially helpful when applying for colleges and registering for the many tests you're going to have to take before you can graduate or begin the application process.

5. It's okay to seek help

This kind of goes hand and hand with the counselor thing, but it's also sort of different. I understand that you're probably going to struggle with something emotionally. There is no shame in asking for a friend, or professional to help you get through those. Entering high school is a big change, and some people are better at it than others. Don't worry, you probably aren't alone in the way you feel. People also seem to drift away or get closer to others during this year too because of the way that everyone's classes or lunches line up. That's alright. If anything is hard for you, don't be afraid to ask someone to help you work through it. Your feelings and emotions are so valid.

Anyways, this is just a glimpse of what I wish I had known. High school is a place where everyone will grow and change in ways imaginable. Getting through freshman year is just the start of it, but it is doable.

Have a great day :)

Emma Jane

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