Sunday, December 27, 2015

All I want for Christmas is a Hallmark Movie

Well,  once again I have become inspired. November was full of posts, but it's the end of December and this month seemed to clog my brain all up. Maybe it was too full of Christmas songs to come up with something worth writing. I really like that "All I want for Christmas is You" song. I guess the words had never resonated with me until this year. Deep down, we all want someone for christmas. It doesn't even have to be some newfound lover or anything. I mean, it always can possibly be. However, Christmas sometimes reminds us all that we're yearning for someone who we used to think we need. Or maybe we actually do. Sometimes it's a parent or family member. Maybe they're overseas. Maybe they're in prison or the hospital. The people we want for Christmas are the ones mostly unreachable. It's the heartbreaking truth, but the holidays can bring so many people sadness instead of joy.

However, in some cases, like the cheesy Hallmark movies, the person that the girl wants for christmas is the cute boy who just 'happens' to want her back too. I hate to be the one who breaks this to you, but somehow real life doesn't work like that. In real life, relationships and people meeting is a messy kinda thing. Half of the time, it doesn't work our for the better and hearts are broken and stabbed at.

Nothing ever seems to go smoothly; but in the real world, if you're one of the lucky people, the smooth factor doesn't seem to matter because you're with the love of your life. That's when you know you've got the whole world.

 That sounds cheesy too. Dang. Let's just leave it with "most people suck" and call it a day.

Basically, life isn't a Hallmark movie, but all I still want for Christmas is you.

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