Thursday, March 9, 2017

Museum of Broken Relationships

Alright y'all, did you see my title? This is not something that I made up to amuse you. You can learn all about it HERE :) (did you see that? I added a link for y'all) Anyways, the premise of the museum is basically to tell the stories of breakups/ relationships through an object. All of the items are donated by random people, which I think is really cool. It helps to end the stigma of breakups, and to end the crazy thought that people feel alone in them. Through the museum, you learn that people all over the country deal with them every day and the marks that the relationship leaves on them.
Sometimes the stories are funny, and others, they're serious and sad. It varies, but I love the concept. I wish one would be opened near my state honestly.

However, have you ever thought about what object signifies a past relationship or a present one? If you had to donate ONE thing, what would it be?

Ha, now it's your turn to think. 

I have mulled over what I would donate, and I definitely know what it would be. As a person who keeps anything sentimental, I could probably donate my entire closet. However, this is the museum of broken relationships I'm talking about here, so it's gotta be significant. Having not been in an official "relationship" myself,  one might look at me and assume that I don't have anything worth hanging up that signifies a relationship of any sorts. Luckily, I spent a few months deep in love with someone, without an official title. With that being said, I would definitely donate the first time the person told me that he loved me. He wrote it down on a piece of paper, a tangible object for me to hold on to. Even though we can't talk without arguing now, it still holds a special place in my heart. I think it's a worthy donation, and I might have to hang it up in my personal museum of broken relationships: AKA a shoe box.

I think we all have a personal museum of broken relationships, or something of the sort. We all hold on to things, physically or emotionally, because at one point- it mattered. And I'm learning that it's perfectly okay. It's okay to mourn for as long as you need. Days, months, or years. Because you have feelings that are valid. It took me so long to realize it, but it's becoming clearer as the days move forward. I think we all have our own schedule for heartbreak and the healing that comes with it. Also (I'm about to go off on a tangent but), I think it's a common misconception that once we "move on" that we're perfectly fine. Sorry, but I think that "moving on" is only one of the first steps. This means you've chosen to do something else, or try to love someone else.  Not that you're fully healed. It's still an open wound. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm convinced that each individual is different in their healing process and how they chose to handle things.

Now that i've talked for a little bit about breaking and healing, do you have your object of donation? Yes? Good. Use that object, and remember it. Remember how that relationship made you feel, and constantly strive to feel even better the next go around. I believe in you :) Thanks to everyone who's been keeping up with me on this journey, and has started to help me believe in myself along the way. You guys seriously rock.

Much love,

Emma Jane

p.s if you have an "object story" I'd love to hear it :)

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