Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Raw Truth

I just got back from my third week of the summer spent at Camp Lone Star. This last week was probably one of the best ones out of all of the years that I've been going. I'm not sure if it was the immediate way all of the girls just seemed to click together like a machine, or the way that the boys took care of all of us so well, or the theme in general. (It was Truth Revealed). However, whatever the reason, I couldn't have come out of that experience feeling any better than I do right now. 

Every year I learn something new about myself, my God, and the world. 

This year, I learned that I hold onto an identity, like most of the people around me do. Your identity is what  you define yourself as, whether it's an athlete, scholar, beach bum, girlfriend, boyfriend, introvert, extrovert, or even mom. Whatever it may be, it's something that most people put before our God. If He took that away from you, would you still be okay? Our true identity is "Child of God". That's it. Quite frankly, it's all we really need. It's a hard concept to grasp, but once you realize that you're a child of God, everything else comes from there. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in all of the uncertainties in life that we forget the only ONE TRUE certainty. I am a CHILD OF GOD and I'm certain. The worries wash away when we know that we can place all of our faith into our Father in heaven who looks out for us. The plans get fuzzy, but he remains the same when we don't. 

I learned a few things about our God at camp. I learned that if we keep placing this identity above Him, He'll let us do it. Romans 1:24 says "Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another." So yeah, he'll GIVE YOU OVER TO YOUR SINFUL DESIRES! It's scary to think about. Usually themes like True Peace or Real Grace make you feel so warm and fuzzy when you walk out of camp; but as I saw everything that I had laid down at the cross that week, I felt convicted. It's terrifying to think that we hold these identities above the one who CREATED US. Then again, just because you see yourself as an athlete and that's it, doesn't mean you should go and quit sports to be a Child of God. You can be a child of God and someone who plays sports simultaneously. 

There are always things to learn about the world. I learn a lot about the people in it especially. There are certain people to protect your heart from. And by "certain", I mean ALL. Being a teenage girl, I gotta watch out for boys. At camp, we call the ones who don't love God, and who you won't end up marrying, "dumb dumbs". Because let's face it, the whole point of dating is to try to find someone to marry, and boys who can't even commit to a relationship probably won't be ready to commit to a marriage for a very very long time- therefore making them "dumb dumbs". And man, is this world full of them. I'm not saying that girls cannot be "dumb dumbs" either, because we can be snakes. However, I learned that so often, we appreciate being pursued by someone SO much that we expect them to be committed as well. As it turns out, being pursued (does not) equal commitment. (I learned this through quotes from a book titled Captivating by Stasi Eldridge). Therefore, you cannot force someone to commit. Also, "I love you" doesn't always mean "I'm committed to you" either. Those three words are said too often and hardly said with sincerity. Love? God is Love. Love is patient and Kind. Love does not envy or boast. "I love you" should promise commitment, but people in this world have twisted Love to mean all sorts of things. Also, I have learned that this world teaches us to believe that all of those twisted things are "okay". Ummmm excuse me? "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy or boast. It is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs." (1 Corinthians 13:4-5)  LOVE is NOT this feeling of not being good enough, or this feeling where we feel like we need constant approval. Love isn't toxic for your mind, loving someone shouldn't have you placing them on a higher pedestal than your GOD. And if we're talking about truth, the last person that I loved (so much!) was put on a higher place in my heart than my God. I looked for some approval from someone who would fail me INSTEAD of looking for peace in a God who NEVER fails. 

It takes being extremely honest with yourself to realize that too- about yourself and the world we live in. I cannot be the only one here who's ever put a person, place, thing, or even idea above God. Because it's easy. It's tangible. But our God challenges us to love Him above all things and to place our true identity in Him, our one true King. The truth was so revealed to me this week, and I'll be forever changed. I don't know what the future holds, but I am a Child of God and SO proud of it. 

Until next time, 

EmmA Jane 

Romans 5:3-5
1 Corinthians 13:4
James 1:12 

Songs for the week:

Come As You Are- Crowder 
O Come to the Altar- Elevation Worship 

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