Today I went to the gym, as I do every single day. Today, however I saw someone new. He was maybe in college (I'm absolutely terrible with guessing age) and anyways, was listening to christian music very loudly. I didn't mind at all, because I thought it was fantastic. He inspired me to write for a few reasons.
First of all, I think High School is a time where everyone is extremely desperate to fit in. Who wouldn't be? We take comfort in not standing out or making any type of scene. However, I think it's also a time where people lose sight of themselves. Sometimes in order to "fit in" you find yourself doing something completely against what Jesus says what's right. We find ourselves justifying any kind of action because "it won't kill you" or "everyone's doing it" or "my friends around me say it's fine". For example: Sex before marriage. I don't quite understand why it's done, unless you've got a spouse walking you to 6th period. In my humble opinion, it's something to be treasured and saved for someone you'll be with for the rest of your life. (Also, there's diseases attached to sex & increase in high school :) As a high school student, we live in the "now" but Jesus will be/ is there in the long run and the forever !!! Also, speaking of the "now": drugs & drinking. Not only is it destructive to the growing body, but both are illegal! One is illegal until you're 21 and the other is just plain illegal !! When you're suffering through elementary school listening to the "don't do drugs" talk every single year, you're like "of course, that's dumb" but as you get older, the "scary bad drug guy" starts to look like a cartoon character handing out free candy. Crazy little thought for the day. I don't even have to talk about drinking, because I honestlyvget it. In this pressure-filled atmosphere, you start to feel like a complete loser for not having sex or drinking your problems away. You know who we have to talk to about our problems? A God who loves us way too much! And a therapist. But relying on Jesus is probably a safer bet to help us through whatever we may need at the moment.
The second reason that this man inspired me is that he was unashamed. I'm pretty sure he was listening to acoustic, slower, music, but he listened to it boldly and proudly. He didn't turn it down when I walked into the room, and I'm so glad that he didn't ! (My only regret is that I didn't ask what song he was jamming to) I loved that today to see him not being afraid of what anyone thinks because he's a Jesus lover.
It got me thinking? Why do I feel this pulling need to conform into what society is telling me is "okay" ? Honestly, who came up with that? I have a God who sent his son to die for me and I think that's a little more than "okay". When things get tough, I gotta keep my mind on what God offers me instead of the little worldly things that bring temporary happiness. Where will you be when the high wears off? Versus Where you could be with Jesus as your God?
Have a good day!
Jesus loves you!
Emma Jane
p.s College Mound is a fantastic game :)
You are spot on! Resisting the temptation to follow the crowd might be hard, but God's plan for you is so much better than what is being offered! Proud of you.
ReplyDeleteGood one Emma!