Saturday, November 21, 2015

Rant// standards of "beauty" & insecurities

So. Today was a rough one. It really was. Today I: cried, had to think about a previous bad relationship, and was publically humiliated (again). It's become an all-week kinda habit at this point- the humiliation. I can't make myself magically be great at something that I'm honestly not too good at doing. In my experience, anything good can't be rushed. However, I have deadlines to meet. So I guess in this case, it's going to have to be good and I'll have to learn quickly.

So, that's always fun.

I guess today I'll talk about insecurities. There are lots of issues that people like to skirt around, but it's like trying to avoid the elephant in the room. Ya know? Actual people feeling the same actual way that you do is like actually pretty cool. And newsflash: everyone has insecurities. There are things about everyone that they don't like about themselves, or if exposed or commented on, they'll shrink up into a ball, cry, or like punch whoever decided to comment. I have them too, but I'm a teenage girl so the real question might as well be "What am I not insecure about?" Anyway, let's take my weight for example. You'd think the comment "Wow, you've been looking thin lately." would make someone smile, right? For me, I say a quick "thank you" and move on. Personally, I'd rather hear things that associate beauty with beauty. By that, I mean "Your skin looks like it's glowing because of your smile and healthy skin," Or "Your thighs are looking stronger!" Society takes a comment like "thin" and automatically associates it with the word "beautiful". Healthy is beautiful. The road to becoming healthier is beautiful. Personal accomplishments are beautiful. If you drank some water today, more than yesterday, good job! I'm proud of you. If you wore a dress that made you feel great about yourself, run with it! I couldn't be more proud. You do whatever you gotta in order to tell yourself that your insecurities do exist, but you're too beautiful and basically flawless to listen to them.

hm, well that's all I have on that one.
Remember that you're made in His image and He can conquer all of the insecurities as well.

love you guys :)

Emma Jane

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