Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Finding Jesus with Bob Goff

I  seem to always write better when I'm in a peaceful place, surrounded by something that I love. In this case, I am sitting in the center of the Barnes and Noble Café. I am surrounded by so many books, all screaming at me to explore their pages. I have always loved book stores because I am a dreamer. I love to write stories of things that might never happen in a million years. I love to write poems that express my brokenness, and I love to blog so I can be real with people.

In all realness, I don't have any long-term goals. Sure, it would be nice to get married one day and have a stable job- but I'm really going to go where God calls me. The minute we make concrete plans, God comes at them with a jackhammer. Being in a bookstore helps me to focus on my dreams though (much different than my goals). My ultimate dream is to be an author. Now, maybe this is a far-fetched dream and I know that many people before me have tried. However, It's mine. I want to write, but more importantly, I want to write something that matters. I want to reach the heart of that one person who feels completely lost in the world and touch them. I hope to do that through teaching, but I'd love to do that through writing.

One of my favorite authors currently is Bob Goff. He combines the things that I love: Jesus, storytelling, and realness. I'm currently reading one of his novels, Everybody Always. I love the way that Bob uses simple stories to shine the light of Jesus through them. I think we can all find a large dosage of Jesus in the simple things if we just look a little deeper (although it should be obvious ideally).

Even though my life is in this weird state of chaos and serenity simultaneously (so yes, my life is an oxymoron), I will strive to (a) produce more content worth reading and (b) find Jesus in the little with my dear friend Bob Goff.

Emma Jane

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