Saturday, November 1, 2014


We've all made some pretty bad decisions at one point or another. Am I right? Decisions are like dominos. When you make one, it influences what happens next in your life. For example, If I decide not to study, I'll probably fail the test. If I make the decision to study and do my homework, I'll probably pass. Every decision that you make in your life is an important one, whether you realize this or not. It's a scary thing how much impact the smallest things have on our lives. In the world of dieting, If I decide to eat a cookie or two every day for a month, I'm most likely going to gain some weight. If I decide to run two miles every day for a month, I'll probably be in better shape. Most decisions aren't extreme either though. We decide what we put into our bodies every day. It's scary and a sad reality that sometimes what we inject into ourselves isn't good for us at all. Did you know that sugar is 8 times as addicting than cocaine? Yeah, I know. It's pretty scary. Sugar is an addiction people! If you decide to overdose, your body usually doesn't get very happy. OR you have a "sugar high" and then crash. Hmmmm I wonder where the term "sugar high" comes from??!? SUGAR IS LIKE A DRUG. Okay, sorry for the little rant there. It's just some scary stuff. Decisions, yes, that's where we were here. First off, don't do drugs. Avoid them at all costs. Ya'll I'm not joking. Please decide not to do any kind of illegal drugs, that is for sure not a good decision whatsoever. A good decision is going to church though. If yall wanna get high, get on that Jesus high. Praising God is never ever a bad thing. I love being on a Jesus high because you never have to get off. Jesus' love is eternal and he loves you sooo much! "We love because he first loved us." (1 John 4:19) I don't know about ya'll, but that's pretty fantastic. Did you know he sent his only son to come down and DIE for our sins? Now think about this, would you send your son to be killed??? (If you don't have a child yet, think hypothetically) I probably wouldn't- hypothetically speaking. I'm only a teeanger with lots of words in my head, children are wayyyyy down the road for me!

Also, with this whole decision thing. Good decisions lead to dreams coming true ya'll. If I was like "screw it." and got drunk every weekend- how would that help me get into UNT or UTD or Concordia???? You see, that bad decision would lead to destructiveness and counterproductivity. I feel like yeah, it's high school- you're going to screw up a few times, but don't do stupid things on purpose that will only hurt your future. I know that I make some poor choices sometimes, but guess what? I have a forgiving God! It's amazing how that works.  So yes, overall, just make good choices because your future will be bright and Jesus loves you always.

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