Last week I had the opportunity to Junior Staff at Camp Lone Star. We did manual labor mostly all day, just telling you now. You see though, even though we did all of the labor and such (which I'm very bad at and don't enjoy) I still think about the entire experience and I can't wipe the smile off of my face. I loved having the opportunity to serve our Lord by serving other people. Words just can't describe the way that Junior Staffing has impacted my life. I loved being able to wake up each morning and know that I was going to be of service, to the place I love most, all day. Usually I have words to fill my blog page, but this time it's completely different. The spirit has really has been shining into my heart lately and I've learned that he's in control of everything. Lately, some things have happened that I know I can't change, and yet I have been trying to change them. If we let God be in control of our lives, what's there to worry about really? Now, this doesn't mean sell everything you own, sit around, and be a lazy bum until the glorious day that we get to go to Heaven gets here. How will you glorify or serve The Lord by doing that? Personally, staying in His Word and letting Him shine through me daily by my words and actions has been pretty amazing. I'm not perfect, because that would be impossible. I also just love Our Lord a whole lot and if you follow me on twitter, I've been on a "quote Christian song lyrics 24/7" kind of rampage because I just love the music and Our Lord, so it's a win-win. I don't know, I've been super blessed lately and have put Him in control and life has just been a little bit less stressful. He's in charge and oh, also, I've learned to accept the fact that if God wants someone in your life, He'll put them there. Being in complete control is His job, not ours.
Kay, there's my random spill of the month.
If you're curious, my twitter is @ejane_12
When I was growing up camp was my favorite place in the whole wide world as well. Eventually I became a counselor which led to church work.