Sunday, May 25, 2014

Christians, do you only claim to be one?

Today I took one of those showers where you only wash your body and not your hair. You get what I mean? Okay cool. It got me thinking that you can relate this to Christ. Now, you might be wondering how you can relate any of this whole showering things to Jesus. Technically, I'm going to be relating this post to Christians. Now, I feel as there are two main types. The "wash your whole body & hair" Christians or the "only wash the body". Ha, well, if that makes any sense at all. Let me explain things. I'll start with the "only wash the body" type of Christians. The Christians who "Only wash the body" are like the people who claim to be Christians, but don't do anything about it. They're only substance Christians, if that makes any sense. They claim to be "Christian" but do they worship God? No. Do they pray? Negative. Do they go to church at least once per month? No. Do they show God's Love to others daily? Probably not. Do they even love God? (I won't answer that one, since I'm not positively sure that the answer is the same for everyone.) Anyways, you get what type of people I'm referring to. Now, the "Wash the entire body including the hair"  type of people are the ones that even I strive to be. The hair, in my opinion, during a shower, takes up more than half of the work (for us females). The "hair" in our beautiful little metaphor is like the worship, prayer, love, care, commitment, and hope in our relationship with Christ. You can't just wash your body and claim to be okay. (Now, there's always exceptions for shut-ins and people in the  nursing home who can't physically move) Washing our hair during the shower is as if we are loving, and praying to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I strive to love him with all of my heart and I prays that you do too. Romans 5:3-5 are probably some of my favorite verses, if you wanna check them out, by the way. I'm never good at coming up with a creative ending to these blog posts-so let's pretend that this one is creative and catchy.


So, what was I, a Lutheran pastor's daughter, doing at a Baptist Country church? That is a different story, my friends. One thing that I have learned about baptists is that they really enjoy using the word "amen" In like mid-sentence. Today, the preacher was very loud and in your face a lot. I mean his entire face was red due to the amount of energy it took to deliver the sermon. His voice for surely carried throughout the entire room. You see, even though it was pretty loud, he had something that most people don't- passion. He had a passion for The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. If you have never been to a county baptist church- I recommend it greatly. I feel as though some of us need more passion for Christ, myself included. "I will give you all my worship, I will give you all of my praise" Is a line from the worship song Hold You Up by Shane Harper. I feel as though we could always give The Lord more praise in everything that we do, even if it's something that we don't enjoy doing. Learning to give Him praise in any Vocation is pretty important. So I guess I learned a little about Baptists today, and hopefully you will be able to praise The Lord in any job with such passion as my preacher today.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Seeing Clearly

So, I guess you should know that I'm as blind as a bat (Without contacts or glasses)  The other day I took my glasses off and realized that the world is more beautiful than people give it credit. Our world was created by the One True God who loves us so much and the people on it. If you wear glasses regularly, taking them off makes everything fuzzy, right? Well, if you look at the trees while being "blind" they're blobs of imagination-as I would like to call them. Personally, getting glasses for the first time made me realize how much more beautiful the simple things actually are. Now, lets relate this to love. If the entire world was completely blind, would people fall in love more easily? If people only based things off of the personality of a person? I feel as though there would be a complete difference in perspective. I also believe that you couldn't necessarily tell if another human was lying, you know, being blind and all. So, all in all, the entire world is not blind. Love is still based partially on physical attraction. And I now have a blog. The End.

Let's Figure This Out

I'm still trying to figure out how blogs work.